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Agricultural Machinery Service is Everything

Keeping you going is our number one priority.  Carrfields Machinery – New Zealand has a team of qualified and experienced service technicians, who understand that machines require attention, service, and maintenance for optimum performance year in, year out. With our experienced service and maintenance team based around the country, the level of service offered to customers is exceptional.

Great machinery combined with exceptional service by a team that understands farmers is what makes Carrfields Machinery one of the premier agricultural dealerships in New Zealand.

Contact our Ashburton based team for more information or to make a servicing booking.

Farm Machinery Service
Steve O'Neil
Steve O'Neil
Operations Manager
027 430 1092
Paul Spackman
Paul Spackman
Service Manager
027 227 6366
Carl Haugh
Carl Haugh
Service Advisor
027 228 9759
Tim Vanderweg
Tim Vanderweg
Service Technician
027 251 8655
Richard Orr
Richard Orr
Parts Department
027 240 1226
Kevin Young
Kevin Young
Workshop Assistant
03 307 6014